Developing Quality Practice Learning in Social Work
KMA0108£12.00 plus post and packaging
A Straightforward Guide for Practice Educators and Placement Supervisors
This is the second edition of this book which is designed as a practical and straightforward introduction to working with students. Structured around a virtual student placement, the book has various sections: Understanding Social Work Education and Practice Learning; Organising and Managing Practice Learning; Facilitating the Student’s Learning; Supervising the Student; Assessing the Student; Values Issues; When Things ‘Go Wrong’; CPD for Practice Educators. It is an invaluable resource for people undertaking PEPs (Practice Educator Professional Standards) qualifications.
ISBN: 9781903575888
A4 Wiro Bound
181 pages
★★★★★ by David Lambert on Amazon.co.uk
Leading the way in student placements
★★★★★ by joscott1978 on Amazon.co.uk
Really useful and helpful. Would definitely recommend to all Prac Eds or would be Prac Eds